It’s Fathers Day this Sunday and I’ve been thinking about how I can incorporate men into my fashion website? I started doing some research, looking for men’s fashion dos and don’ts. While I was doing this, I thought, no matter how well you are dressed, if you are not groomed – we women notice, I mean really notice. It’s like a girl who's dressed to the 9s and her toenail polish is all jacked up. The look is ruined. So this is my ode to men. Grooming first, fashion next.
For some of you, you probably think spa’s are only for women. This is not true. All women love a groomed man. Some more than others, but we like you to look “clean”. Here’s what clean means:
1. No nose hairs, none whatsoever! If you want us to eat with you, and or kiss you, we cannot see nose hairs sticking out. Go to a beauty supply store or Target and buy a nose hair trimmer, about $20.00 and use it weekly, NOT monthly.
2. Eyebrows. Waxing them is not limited to woman. You would be surprised what a little waxing can do to enhance your face. If your eyebrows look like crazy pubic hairs going every which way on your forehead, if they are trying to meet with each other, if they are big and bushy or all around not groomed looking, get them waxed. Rose in Studio City is the best (Wave Salon (818) 981-9437). She will not make you look like a woman. You will not look like you’ve had them waxed, she is the best!
3. Skin: If you’ve never had a facial, then you have blackheads, period. We can see your blackheads when we talk to you. It’s gross. A facialist will squeeze them out, plus massage you and make you feel great. Ask Todd, he knows. Burke Williams is overpriced and they do not give you a thorough facial (they don’t squeeze enough, they are more pampering than getting the job done). Ask some well groomed girls in your area where they go and make an appointment ASAP. Buy some moisturizer and eye cream; use them daily, you’re not getting any younger.
4. Hair: Start looking at men’s magazines. Get some ideas, then take them to your hairdresser and update your doo (that’s short for hairdo). Do not, no matter what, get highlights. Unless you are a REAL rock star who performs on stage to more than 1000 people and this is how you make your living, you may not have hair dye touch your head. If you are really starting to bald, shave it and tan your head.
5. Feet & hands: Feet can be gross. If a girl has never said you have pretty feet, then your feet need help. Are your finger nails jagged from biting, dirty, cuticles (that’s the skin around your nail bed) dry and yucky? If you answer yes….Do your nails look nice and trim? And if you answer no……then for gosh sakes get a manicure! We are looking at your hands thinking, “Those things want to touch me?” Do not, I repeat, do not get clear nail polish on your hands or feet. You don’t have to go that far, just get them cleaned up and buffed.
Do these things and woman will notice. You will get positive attention from us girls, trust me.
Fashion tips coming up shortly.