My friends started an online magazine, I heard about this and it sounded great, my friend is the "dear Abby" and I asked her what were they doing for fashion? I mean, how can you have a woman's magazine without fashion? She said "you'd be great" and then that was it. We dropped it and moved on to talking about her man, my lack of men, her kids, her new job, etc.
So God is funny, if you didn't know that, you have to open up and get to know him. He's not funny mean or funny sarcastic, he's funny, kind and funny love. He's also extremely efficient. He'll see an opportunity to affect multiple people at once and he'll make it happen. I've seen him do it throughout my life. I know I'm being vague, simmer down, I'll explain!
I'm at Dear Abby's house and 2 of the 3 creators of Love Fabu are there, they just finished filming the videos that will be on (hey we're in 2013 darn it!). The video advice was great, to the point, snarkey, funny, just great! The girls got to talking about fashion, asking me questions and wanted to see my blog, they loved it! Then they separately started talking about some challenges they've been having with people and turns out I gave them the exact advise Dear Abby did, it freaked them out. I had to swear on a bible that she didn't prep me for the meeting. So being I gave them the same advise, it was the confirmation they needed. They left the house feeling confirmed in what they needed to do, I left fired up about was a win win.
Just to remind you, I'm not your typical fashionista. Anyone can spend thousands and thousands of dollars on expensive designer duds and look good (almost anyone). But I am your average girl stylist. I'm practical, I'll take you up one level and change how you feel about yourself without bleeding your bank account.
So here is my recent realization. If you are over 35ish (there's no exact number) you are stuck. Unless you work in fashion, marketing, entertainment, music, there is a very good chance you are stuck. You are stuck where you felt your best, in your 20's. You were hot, no care in the world, boys were after you or visa verse, you were on top of the world, you were thin, you ate crap, you stayed up all night and looked great the next morning..... do you get it? You felt great!
For me it was the 80's. Big ass hair was the thing and I have more hair than any girl in Jersey! So I worked that big hair hardcore. Have you ever heard the statement "the bigger the hair, the closer to God"? Well God and I were tight! As time went on, big hair was becoming a thing of the past, but no matter how much I tried I couldn't have a flat head. I would see girls with flat hair and they looked great, I would go home and try to go flat and would look in the mirror and thought I looked weird. Needless to say, my 80's hair went into the 90's.
So if I do this, you all do this!
I recently went Christmas shopping with a guy friend, he's 37 and here's his fashion statement: Either it's a suit for a dressed up occasion (wedding, banquet, funeral) and he wears a suit well. Or it's t-shirts, jeans with a lot of leg room, converse and hoodies. We went to H&M and he went straight for the hoodies, asking me if I liked this color? I said "JB why don't you change it up, you own 25 hoodies!" and the look on his face said, well I'd like to but I don't know how to. AH HA! That's just it. You see the fashion changing, but how do you make that transition without looking like a fool or a fraud?? That's where I come in. Just because it's in fashion does not mean it looks good on you, and I will tell you, oh guurl you know I'll tell you (but you have to ask). Well JB is a smart man and he asked for help and it was like a fire was lit under my ass! The Tasmanian devil unleashed all around that store asking him; "would you wear this, what about this, what about this?". I had this look I wanted him to wear but he kept putting the kabosh on it. Until he looked at a mannequin and said "I would wear that". Ummm hellerrrr.....that's what I've been showing you! One thing I'm a wierdo on is size, if you wear clothes too big/too small, it's a pet peeve of mine. So I quickly assessed he needed to go up one shirt size. The T-shirt he was wearing was almost a mid-drift, too short, too small! I know guys want to show their muscles, but not like this, please. We grabbed a bunch of button up cardigan sweaters with button up shirts to go under them (no t-shirts, no hoodies) ah ha I've achieved victory! This is a look only Mr. Rogers used to rock, but now it's hip, it elevates your look, you appear more grown up and more put together. It's sharp, sharp is good. Women like sharp.I tried to talk him into some different pants, but he wouldn't have it.
This is JB the "before photo" and checking out at H&M. PS super affordable.

Then we went to Zara. They have some cool clothes and some STUPID ones, so please if you don't know what you're doing, don't go in there alone. Once we were at Zara I found this bad ass coat and talked him into it. Its a step up from a peacoat, but you can still wear it with jeans. I realized as we were in Zara I should blog about this, I asked his permission and asked him if he would humor me and try on different pants with the new tops we got and pose for photos, again he agreed. yippee!! I am sick of seeing guys in huge jeans. They are OUT! big baggy pants are out, trim is in. I found a pair of grey slacks and a pair of grey cotton, kind of like jeans. And don't you know it, once the pants were on, he liked them and bought them. Check out JB!
And here he is is after shopping! Hey this is hard work!
The most interesting thing was his attitude a few days later. He was wearing his new duds talking about how he felt about his new look. He wanted to change it up, dress more his age, but didn't know how to go about it. Now that he has his new look, he feels sharp, like he's entered the next phase of his manness. I don't know if I'm expressing it quite like he did. Basically he said what I think, if you dress the part, you might start to feel the part. Clothes aren't everything, duh! If you're an immature jerk, you can look great, then open your mouth and it will cancel out your look immediatly. However, if you dress good, you look good, you might just feel good.
Here's to feeling good and looking good!
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