I remember when I first realized I could start investing in clothing. I was about 25 years old, I just realized I was no longer getting taller, my size was going to stay the same (unless I ate my way out of my current body) and I was officially an adult. Prior to this I would shop in thrift stores, Melrose or cheap stores trying so hard to look different and unique, aka silly. I started looking at stores in the mall that I would never have gone in before. I was looking for hip but well made "grown-up clothes". Bebe had just opened up (don't think of the Bebe nowadays, they either changed their buyer or designers, it's a totally different store now) they made well made suits with a bit of a flair and the suits were $200-$300. This was a ton of money, but I knew it was time to invest. I bought a fully lined, linen suit that was so hip, it had wide legs, a jacket with a wrap tie at the waist and it looked great. It was my first grown-up outfit. I used it for weddings, job interviews, speaking, basically anything important.
Well now I get to help people who are currently having the realizations I did years ago.
Meet Thomas pictured here with Coco, this is Thomas's BEFORE photos. He's my newest prodigy. He's been reading my blog, I think he saw John's transformation and asked for some help. Prior to our meeting he proudly told me he got his first facial (see "MEN" June 2010 blog post) . I glowed like a proud mama!
Thomas is 30 years old, attending college and he's recently transitioned from starving student to living a bit more financially comfortably and he's an all around great guy. He's pretty mature for his age, he likes dating women who "have something going on" and realized when he wants to go out with these woman, he doesn't like showing up in t-shirt and jeans. So Thomas contacted me and said, "I'm ready"! After we talked what I gathered is, he's ready for his outsides to match his insides......so off to the mall we went.
Thomas gave me his budget, I increased it and we set a date. Thomas let me know he's never liked shopping, he's tried to change his look, goes into stores, gets lost, doesn't know what to buy and then leaves discouraged. That's what I'm for! I promised this would be fun.
Being this was his first venture away from Jeans, white T-shirts and clunky high-tops I decided we had to go somewhere that was extremely reasonable. Once he's a full fledged disciple, we can start spending more money on key pieces, but for now, we have to get as much as possible for as little as possible. That's when I knew we were going to H&M.
I showed him some ideas, styles and had to push him to be honest with me. I don't want anyone saying yes to me and then the clothes sit in their closet, that's the worst! So I pulled and pulled clothes and set him up in the dressing room. I pulled, tugged, made him turn, sit, stand and asked hundreds of questions. Then when we were done, I pulled all the "yes's" and showed him what goes with what. Almost everything I chose would be interchangeable with everything else. We are just building his wardrobe, so we needed more neutrals than unique pieces (those come later). John also came along with us, he's completely hooked at looking good and all the positive attention he's been receiving lately, he likes looking like a grown up, and so do the ladies!
Below is Thomas pretending to cry knowing he's about to spend his mullah! But look at John, he's so happy, he knows he's going to look good! Thomas isn't convinced yet. He bought 3 slacks, 1 long sleeve t-shirt, 3 cardigans, 1 sweater and 3 button up shirts - he spent about $350 - that's an average of $31 a piece. Note - I just looked on H&M and the 2 cardigans are now 1/2 off, I told Thomas to go back with his receipt and the sweaters so they can either credit his account or he can shop more (that's why you have a personal shopper - it doesn't end the day the shopping is done).

Next we needed shoes, we went to Nordstrom where I had a feeling we wouldn't be buying shoes but I wanted him to see the expensive, well made brands to get the idea that this is what good shoes look like and cost ($150-$500). Then we went to Macy's where they always have a sale and found these suede loafers. Thomas wasn't convinced at all, he was concerned there was no support, that his feet would hurt, blah blah blah. Then disciple John started telling him "dude, you're not going to work in these shoes or walk for 8 hours, these are for a date, dinner, movie, that's it dude, plus you'll look good!" I think I am bringing John with me to all my male make-overs. The shoes were about $50. John who's ready to venture out bought red ones.
Below is Thomas's first outfit. Blue gingham button up, Grey cardigan, blue checked pants (they look grey but they are blue). He's not convinced yet, look at his face.
Now Thomas is starting to have a little fun, a few poses and there's Coco (camera whore). This is my version of a hooded sweatshirt. It's a thin sweater, with grey slim cotton slacks.
Outfit #3 and Thomas is officially having fun, look at that smile on his face! Black cardigan, light blue and white striped button up, grey cotton slacks (same as above).
And the finally, a double breasted sweater (cardigans aren't for Mr. Rogers anymore!), electric blue button up and black cotton slacks plus Roxie (the other camera whore).
I went to a bridal shower yesterday and showed some of the girls his before/after photos and if only Thomas could have heard them oogle and gaggle about how good he looked. I have to say I agree!